Game Over

domingo, 11 de maio de 2008

It's funny how life turns out some times; it waits until you get that comfy feeling that everything is okay, and then it gives you a swift but accurate kick in the balls.

It's funny how you could still surprise me after all this time; no kick in the balls, but that backstab between the 3rd and 4th ribs sure did the trick..!

It's funny how after everything that happened between us, I couldn't see it coming; I turned my back on you so many times out of trust, but just couldn't find the strength to walk away, and you took your time to push it deeper and deeper.

It's funny how I can't be sure whether or not you were always like this and I was blinded by my feelings for you, or if everything that happened just struck a cord in you, and changed you.

Enjoy your life. I'm sure as hell that I'm gonna enjoy mine. I may walk out of this badly injured, and I know that for quite a while this isn't going to change. But it will someday. And quite frankly, I could not give less of a fuck about you, your friends, your lovers, your family, everything.

It's funny how I have to thank you for what you said to me, for that final push in that godforsaken knife; it's so much easier to get over you when enraged to the point where I can't seem to remember any good moment we had.

And if what they say is true, that "what goes around, comes around"... Oh boy, are you in for a ride..!

It's funny how after everything, I can only think of two words: Fuck you.

And have a nice day!

"Game Over"
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